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Carrie & Giancarlo at the Speed Museum

Carrie & Giancarlo at the Speed Museum

There were way too many smiles at Carrie and Giancarlo’s wedding at the Speed Art Museum to leave off the blog. I loved watching these two amazing, love-filled families unite to celebrate these two.

Janie & Robert at the Speed Art Museum

Janie & Robert at the Speed Art Museum

Hi internet!  I know it's been a while since I blogged to you.  But I sort of was hoping you'd accept this blog post as a peace offering of sorts.  I want us to be friends again.  Are we good?

Meet Janie and Robert.  They are pretty much awesome.  And like there koozie says Janie and Robert are totally making marriage great again.  Hah!

Also, I've got to give a huge shout out to Hollis Starks, Janie's wedding planner.  She knows how to throw a super classy party that is such a joy to photograph.